hey there!

Hi, I’m Patrick Robertshaw an Edinburgh-based designer and communications consultant. I’m inforocket: here to get your information out there through effective eye-catching designs, and communications solutions that make best use of the right channels and platforms.

For the past couple of decades, I’ve made a living working in information, design and communication. inforocket was set up in 2011 to focus on making good designs for worthwhile messages.

what do you mean by “good design”?

Like art, you know it when you see it, right? Good design isn’t about some abstract aesthetic values arbitrated from on high, or etched in stone tablets. Good design is about conveying an idea or feeling accurately and evocatively to your intended audience. Like any other form of communication, design conveys a message. Good design does it clearly, and with impact. It makes your message resonate with its audience.

Over the years, I’ve worked on designs at every scale from huge nation-wide campaigns on every imaginable medium, to logos for tiny niche startups. What made them good designs was the engagement with their unique worthwhile message.


what do you mean by “good design”?

Like art, you know it when you see it, right? Good design isn’t about some abstract aesthetic values arbitrated from on high, or etched in stone tablets. Good design is about conveying an idea or feeling accurately and evocatively to your intended audience. Like any other form of communication, design conveys a message. Good design does it clearly, and with impact. It makes your message resonate with its audience.

Over the years, I’ve worked on designs at every scale from huge nation-wide campaigns on every imaginable medium, to logos for tiny niche startups. What made them good designs was the engagement with their unique worthwhile message.

so, what makes a message “worthwhile”?

Do you think what you do is worthwhile? Hopefully the answer’s “yes” and if so I’d love to hear all about it! Taking the time to learn what fires you up about what you do lets me craft communications and designs that get your audience fired up about it too, which – by extension – gets them fired up about you.

Doesn’t that sound worthwhile? Find out more about my services or get in touch today!